John Richer

John Richer was introduced to art at an early age by his grandmother. He spent most of his childhood exploring the woods, fields and streams on his grandparents’ small farm. After completing his Bachelor of Arts at York University, John earned an honours diploma in Graphic Design and Illustration at Mohawk College. From 1997 - 2011 he pursued a career as a Graphic Designer with a number of print companies, creating print material for a wide variety of clients. In 2008, he and his family had the opportunity to purchase his grandparents’ farm where he spent much of his childhood growing up. John set about small-scale farming and began to discover his connection with nature, gradually transitioning to fine art. By 2017 he made a resolution to commit to the practice of traditional fine art, using oil paint as his medium of choice. His plein air paintings exude a sense of vibrancy beneath their surface, informed by the experience of painting the fleeting moments from life. John's work has received numerous awards in exhibitions and can be found in various private collections throughout Southern Ontario.

Watch John create during Art in the Open on September 29th, 2024 at Queen’s Square.

Proceeds from the auction of John’s piece will be going to the Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region.